This month I got a special gift from the world of bloggers. This time I got an award. This is my second award for approximately 5 months in the world of bloggers. A pride in myself of course because it can get 2 awards in less than 6 months. Although I received an award ynag same, this time I got it from Ramy.
Here are 8 things about Ramy:
1. Eat Often Forgotten
2. Easy Going
3. Relax and Cuek
4. Lively, so lively like jumping clear guns
5. Scared of Wasps
6. Less Diligent
7. Like similar reptile
8. Favorite foods: chocolate, beverages: milk
Along with the award, there is also a task that should I kerjain, namely in the form of PR to the holders of this award. homework that is:
Thank and link to the person WHO awarded me this award.
maksaih really make Ramy which already gave me this homework
Share 8 things about myself:
1. Love girlfriend
2. Ideals become a football player
3. Always semngat
4. His favorite club Arema
5. Got a blog name
6. Want to have much money
7. Like joking
8. Son of God
Pay it forward to 8 bloggers That i have recently discovered.
I continue this task to:
-all bloggers who want to have this award. Please copy this post. Do not forget to include the URL of my blog because it has given this award for free.
* please translate itself with the choice of language used in your blog.
Contact those blogger and tell them about their awards
The core of this task is
Thank and link to the person WHO awarded me this award.
Share 8 Things about myself.
Pay it forward to 8 bloggers That i have recently discovered.
Contact those bloggers and tell Them about Their awards
Hopefully this award can make our kinship more closely and can provide motivation for us to continue blogging ^ _ ^
More about → My Second Awards
This month I got a special gift from the world of bloggers. This time I got an award. This is my second award for approximately 5 months in the world of bloggers. A pride in myself of course because it can get 2 awards in less than 6 months. Although I received an award ynag same, this time I got it from Ramy.
Here are 8 things about Ramy:
1. Eat Often Forgotten
2. Easy Going
3. Relax and Cuek
4. Lively, so lively like jumping clear guns
5. Scared of Wasps
6. Less Diligent
7. Like similar reptile
8. Favorite foods: chocolate, beverages: milk
Along with the award, there is also a task that should I kerjain, namely in the form of PR to the holders of this award. homework that is:
Thank and link to the person WHO awarded me this award.
maksaih really make Ramy which already gave me this homework
Share 8 things about myself:
1. Love girlfriend
2. Ideals become a football player
3. Always semngat
4. His favorite club Arema
5. Got a blog name
6. Want to have much money
7. Like joking
8. Son of God
Pay it forward to 8 bloggers That i have recently discovered.
I continue this task to:
-all bloggers who want to have this award. Please copy this post. Do not forget to include the URL of my blog because it has given this award for free.
* please translate itself with the choice of language used in your blog.
Contact those blogger and tell them about their awards
The core of this task is
Thank and link to the person WHO awarded me this award.
Share 8 Things about myself.
Pay it forward to 8 bloggers That i have recently discovered.
Contact those bloggers and tell Them about Their awards
Hopefully this award can make our kinship more closely and can provide motivation for us to continue blogging ^ _ ^