7 World's Most Expensive Animal

7 world's most expensive animal

Animals are one of the living things that we can keep. Whether it's wild or not, if we like we will definitely try to get it. The collector was also not to lose a lot of money to get the animals they love. Although they were very expensive would be paid. This is the 7  world's most expensive animal.

7. Bengali Cat
prize :  $800-$3,000
Bengali cats developed through cross breeding with the black-haired house cat leopard (leopard) asia. The goal is to get the size and behavior of domestic cats, but the appearance - and color - Asian leopard. Cat results should be cross-breeding, the more distant descendants, the more benign behavior. Ideal result is obtained after the third and fifth generations of descendants of the first.

6. Mona Guenon

Prize : $6,000 
Original habitat in the tropical forests of West Africa, although these animals can adapt to any condition of the forest. Therefore, in addition to special permits and licenses to own this animal, not including the threatened danger.
5. Sabana Cat

Prize : $4,000-$10,000
Were bred with a process similar to Bengali cat, cat Sabana is the result of cross-breeding between wild cats (serval) of Africa with a cat house. Savannah cat bred more difficult, given the African serval weighs 18 kg, wild, and mating with a smaller house cat is a separate problem. Second pregnancy of this animal was different. Therefore, Savannah cat is more rare and expensive.

4. Hyacinth Macaw

 Prize: $6,500-12,000
All Macaws overall are very expensive. Hyacinth Macaw beautiful color display that is so thrilling. Normally priced $ 20,000 a pair. Physically, this burung2 about 1 meter in length and has a bright blue color. Their wing span is 1.2 meters. Burung2 is already so popular pets in addition to their expensive price tag.

3. Lavender Albino Python (Female) 

Prize: $20,000
Red-eyed snake is lavender in color behind the yellow pola2 thrilling. Provided also by Bob Clark. Rarity makes this snake very high demand.

2. Chimpanzee

Prize: $60,000-$65,000
Chimpanzees are highly intelligent primates and are closely related to humans. It weighs about 52 kg, type males larger than females. Original habitat in Central Africa and West Africa. Though threatened with extinction, the animal was still legal in some states.

1. White Lion Cubs

Prize: about $138,000
This is the most expensive. White lion - like a fairy tale - which sangat2 ​​rare because its genes are recessive but it did not include an albino. The color of his eyes is almost the same as lions generally, the layer of pigment and the skin that do not. Because the price is expensive, demand a high, maintenance, and rarity, white lions, including one animal in the world's most difficult to obtain

source picture and information: www.google.com & www.wikipedia.com   http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/88/aq5si8.jpg

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